Wednesday 28 January 2015

"Figure of Speech"

Hey ! we are back after a break and we have something interesting to discuss today. We have analyzed a lot many human figures(fat,thin,round,figure less,etc.)in our day to day life. Now is the time to know a little about the "figure of speech."

SIMILE (sim-uh-li)
This figure of speech can actually bring a smile on the face if we know how to use it to flatter somebody. Let us try:

Boy to a Girl: You are fresh like a rose.
Girl replies: And you stink like a skunk.
Oops!!! the whole thing did not go very well. One more try? what say?

Boy to Girl: I just wanted to tell you that you are like a newly bloomed rose whose mere presence revitalizes everything around it.
Girl: AWWWW! that's so sweet of you!

Yes! we got it right this time. So basically a simile is used for making a comparison between two things( between a girl and a rose in the above example). We usually use the words "like" and "as" to make such comparisons.
Another example:-
He runs as fast as a cheetah. ( comparison between a boy and cheetah using "as")

METAPHOR ( met-aa-fore)
There are chances that one might get confused between metaphor and simile. Whereas, a simile compares two things by using the words "like" and "as", a metaphor is used for making far fetched comparisons without using any "like" or "as" or any such word.

Example: My girl is a cow. (This does not mean that she eats grass and moos like a cow. It simply means that she is a very meek and innocent person.)
So, a metaphor equates two things.
Another example:
Our king is our God. ( This means that we respect and eulogize our king.)
Let us go for a romantic example:
"My love, we are the two blades of a scissors."
(This means that we can go apart from each other but we shall always remain connected at the middle, just like a scissors which remains joined at the center.)

OXYMORON (ox-i-moron)
This is one of my personal favorites. An oxymoron places together two contradictory things or ideas.
For example:
The girl is horribly beautiful. (horrible is the opposite of beautiful and yet it is qualifying the latter. so this is an oxymoron)
"Rude Gautam" is also an oxymoron because Gautam Aggarwal is known for his politeness and affectionate way of speaking.
Another example:
The body of the victim was found missing. (Here, found missing is an oxymoron which is placing two opposite ideas together.)

So, now our task is keep searching such figures of speech in our daily lives and use them effectively. All the best :D

Friday 2 January 2015

Cartoony lessons !

Some funny Spelling mistakes

Grammar is one thing and making spelling blunders is totally another. One can get across to the safer side even after using bad grammar but spelling mistakes can become the reason of your MURDER. Here is a list of spelling mistakes one must avoid:

1. If you like a girl or a boy and have decided to take the liking to another level, PROPOSE the other person. DON'T PURPOSE him/her.

Imagine... you've typed one whole message with so much effort pouring all your emotions into it and then just at the end you add.... ,"so I'm purposing you." This little spelling mistake can spoil the cookie even before it gets baked.

2. If your cousin or fiance or husband is a Lieutenant in the Army , say it proudly but please don't spoil everything by jotting down Leftinant . I know the sound and the spellings don't match but we'll have to bear with this peculiar feature of English language.

3. We Punjabis are fond of food. We know about all the exotic dishes but when it comes to the spelling of those dishes , our confidence level might languish. Here are certain common food-related spelling mistakes one may make:
a) Mayonnaise - yes, it is that white creamy sauce which we all love and apply heartily in our sandwiches and burgers.
b)Lasagne- The king of baked items. The pronunciation goes like La-za-nia.
c)Omelette- The most preferred b-fast item for all the non-vegetarians out there. Now, we know how exactly this dish is spelled.

So, we vow to become spelling friendly and grammar friendly from now on. :D

Thursday 1 January 2015

5 New Year Resolutions for 2015

So as we have moved from 2014 to 2015 , we need to make some resolutions that we ought to follow this year. Here goes the list :
1. Focus on your Goal
Pledge to yourself that in this year you will achieve whatever u always wanted. It may not be a grand achievement yet the satisfaction that it would provide will be GRAND.
2. Stick to Your commitments
Yes you got me right. You should pledge to stick to any commitment you make( not only the relationship commitment). This helps you in becoming responsible.
3. Improve your Aptitude
Cl is all about aptitude building, soooooo you can do it. Pay attention in the class(even if it proves difficult sometimes :P)
4.  Watch better TV channels
 Leave behind the typical Saas-Bahu serials and tune in to Star World and BBC. This will improve your English, Vocabulary and Pronunciation.
5. Read
Reading is the solution to all language problems. Read whatever you like (comics, newspapers, novels,etc,.). Read ANYTHING substantial.